I've been knitting this little baby onesie for a couple of months now. My new blogging habit has taken up some of my knitting time. Today I finished all the sections, now I'm ready to trim, block, sew the seams and embellish. This pattern is from an absolutely darling pattern book by Debby Ware called "Too Cute!" and they are.
Since my daughter-in-law, Diana, and my son, Brandon, don't want to know ahead of time whether it's a boy or girl, this has blue, pink and green in it. I got it covered. The baby is due on June 8, but we think and hope it will be a little early.
I'm making size 3 months, so it will be perfect for fall. I'm getting so excited! This will be my 3rd grandchild. I already have 2 boys, but I really don't care if this is a boy or girl. I'll keep you updated on the onesie and the baby.