Monday, April 20, 2009

More quilts and a baby one on the way

I've been working lately on a baby quilt for the 3rd grandbaby due on June 8. My daughter in law is living with us right now while my son is at Air Force Basic Training in San Antonio. The baby shower is next Sunday and I really want to get this quilt done by then. We leave tomorrow night for Brandon's (my son) graduation in San Antonio so I don't have much time left. I started the binding today, though, so I should be good. I'll get the picture of it up as soon as it's finished.
Brandon and Diana didn't want to know the sex of the baby, so her color scheme is beiges and tans, which I like to call" Creme Brulee".

Here is a "Snail's Trail" miniature that I did a few years ago. I have framed some of my miniatures because I like to display them in my home and they were also on display at the local art gallery for a while .

Here is a close view and a detail view. Each square is 2" and if I remember correctly I think there are about 24 pieces in each square.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely exquisite! I can not wait to see more. Enjoy your trip!
